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cbcs - cmrs - cpc


New Member
I know everyone has heard of the CPC, but what about the cmrs and cbcs? I really want to sit for the cpc but am a bit hesitant, I worked with DME billing for a year and a half and did little coding during that time. I started attending an online billing and coding course about a year ago
that I finish in 5 weeks. The jest of it is I am now trying to figure out which certification is best for me to sit for. I am considering the CBCS or CMRS first and the CPC later after I have more actual coding experience. The CBCS is cheaper but I feel that I could do something with it more geared towards billing until I am more comfortable with coding. Any suggestions? I want to get the blitz videos but haven't the budget for that just yet either. Would the other two certs be a waste of time?